Elder-Sambucus nigra
According to Mrs Grieve, summer is not here until the Elder is
fully in flower and that it ends when the berries are ripe. Many of us have
favourite recipes for Elderflower cordial and wine- but how many of us know about
the medicinal properties of this wonderful tree?
Of all medicinal plants, Elder probably has the most magical and superstitious of connections. In most Northern European traditions, the Elder is connected to magic by the nature of it being inhabited by a Dryad, the Elder-tree Mother, Hylde Moer or Earth Mother. If the tree was cut down without permission to the Elder mother, she would haunt the culprits. “Lady Ellhorn, give me some of thy wood, and I will give thee some of mine when it grows in the forest”.
In Denmark , there is an old belief that whoever stood under an Elder tree on Midsummer Eve would see the King of Fairyland ride by, and it has a long tradition of association with Faeries.

Medicinally, we use both the flowers and the berries. The
flowers are profuse, creamy white and fragrant and are collected in June, just
as the May flower is fading. Elder flower has to be dried carefully to prevent
browning or blackening, and can be made
into infusions, syrups and tinctures. Elderflower water was used in the 17th
and 18th century to reputedly fade freckles and reduce sunburn.
simple infusion of fresh or dried Elder is wonderful for helping with feverish
symptoms of colds and flu, combined with Yarrow and Peppermint at the first flu
symptoms. Elderflower is antihistamine, anticatarrhal and decongesting, so is
excellent for hayfever, allergic rhinitis, catarrh and sinusitis.
Although many people use the flowers, the berries are often
ignored. They are sweet and delicious and can be made into wine, syrups, jams
(especially with apple) and chutneys. There are small scale research studies
that demonstrate that Elderberries are effective against the influenza virus.
They are very rich in vitamin C and flavanoids. Similar to the flowers, a hot
toddy of Elderberry wine will help promote sweating and clear sore throats and
Some people add a little brandy (purely
medicinal of course!) to help preserve it. For a non-sugar version, (recipe
from Non Shaw), add 1tsp allspice and 1/2 tsp ginger per 2 pints of liquid.
Reduce over a low heat until the juice is the consistency of molasses.
Sources: Mrs Grieve – A Modern herbal; Barker, J. The medicinal
flora of Britain and North Western Europe ; Bruton –Seal, J and Seal, M.
Hedgerow medicine. Non Shaw- Herbalism-an illustrated guide.
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